Registering for a Tournament
To join a tournament invite on Guilded, follow these steps:
- Copy the tournament invite URL provided to you.
- Open your preferred web browser and paste the invite URL into the address bar.
- If you already have a Guilded account, log in using your existing account credentials. If not, proceed to the next step.
- If you are new to Guilded, sign up for a new account. Enter a username a valid email address, and a password.
- Once you have entered the necessary details, click on the appropriate button to create your account and proceed.
- Congratulations! You have now joined the tournament on Guilded. Your chosen name will be visible to other users, and you can customize it later if desired.
- If you have an existing team that is ready to participate in a tournament, select that team and then Continue. Otherwise, select Create a team.
- If you are creating a new team, enter your team name. You may also upload your team avatar if you have it on hand, but this is optional and can be added later. Team names can be changed at any point.
- Once you select your roster, hit Register.
- Ta-dah! Your team is now registered for the tournament!