Join an event
How to sign up for calendar events!
RSVPing to events on Guilded is easy and convenient. You have multiple options to choose from, including heading to the calendar channel, joining directly from the overview page, or using your aggregated calendar on your profile if you have events spread across multiple servers. Simply pick the option that works best for you!
Guilded makes it easy to stay on top of events even when they're in a different time zone. If the server is set to a different time zone, our calendar feature will show both the server time and your local time zone, which are automatically synced for your convenience. So you can RSVP to events with confidence and avoid any confusion caused by time differences.
- From the overview page, the event start time will always show in your local time.
- You can indicate your availability by selecting Going, Maybe, or Declined.
Calendar View> Upcoming events
- Update or change your availability using the drop-down list on the event.
Calendar View> Month
- Click the event on the date, and select Join.
The Guilded calendar automatically syncs to show both the server and your local times if your server is set to a different time zone than your own. This means events will be displayed in your local time zone, as shown in this GIF.