Level rewards
Level rewards offer a fantastic way to grant roles to members who achieve specific levels. As members actively engage in your server by sending messages and participating in various activities, your server's XP bot will award them XP. Once certain levels are reached, members automatically unlock new roles as a token of their progress and involvement.
First, you'll need to create roles you want to use for leveling in the Roles section of your server settings.
To proceed, go to the Manage Bots section and choose the XP Bot. Then, specify the quantity of XP you wish to grant to your server members every time they engage in activities on your server.
Next, head to Level rewards.
To establish a level reward, click on "Add a level reward." Next, select the role you wish to assign to a member and indicate the level they must attain to receive this role. You can repeat this procedure as many times as needed to generate several level rewards.
Congratulations! By implementing level rewards in your server, you can now acknowledge and value the contributions of your members, making your community an even more exciting and fulfilling place to be. With these simple steps, you're on your way to creating a vibrant and rewarding experience for everyone involved.