Invites are an integral part of every thriving server on Guilded. They provide a seamless way to welcome new members and expand your community. With Guilded's Invites, you can create and customize invites that perfectly align with your server's vision.
Whether you want to grow your server with a flood of new members or curate a more exclusive community, Invites allow you to set the tone and control who gets access. You can require an application to join and ensure the right fit for your server's culture. Additionally, you have the freedom to determine the number of uses an invite can have, whether it's a one-time entry or multiple uses.
Guilded offers even more versatility with temporary invite links that last for a limited time, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity. On the other hand, you can create invites that never expire, extending an open invitation to anyone interested in joining your server.
How to create an invite
To access the invite feature, click on the server options and select Invite people
Once you've generated your invite, you can share it through social platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. Alternatively, you can copy the invite link. By default, the invite will last 7 days and has no limit on uses, provided you have the necessary permissions.
If you don't have permission to create a direct invite, an application invite will be generated instead. This invite will last for 7 days and has no limit on uses, unless the invite settings are changed.
Editing Invite settings.
Click on the Edit invite link
In these settings, you can change how long the Invite link is valid and the maximum number of times the Invite link can be used.
After changing the invite settings, click the Copy button to share your Invite link with others.
How to remove Invite links as a server owner or admin
Head over to the server settings and select Invites in the User management section.
You can either share the invite or delete it by clicking on the menu button next to each invite.
To delete an invite, click the Delete option from the menu. A confirmation message will appear, and the invite will be deleted once confirmed. If you have multiple invites that you want to remove, you can hold down the Shift key while selecting Delete to bypass the confirmation message.